.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner formally requested that Congress raise the $12.1 trillion statutory debt limit on Friday, saying that it could be breached as early as mid-October.
In his first year oblabla has managed to break the bank!
A blog for all patriotic, free-thinking Americans
In effect, each Employed person will be buying a house for an unemployed or homeless person. And we will see 90% taxes at the lowest possible level. This cost was created in only ONE YEAR!!
We have lost our government and are about to lose our nation. Our debt is at the limit of what foreign investors will accept, and they are already starting to feed the inflation by purchasing american assets with american currency. Worse, in order to sell more debt we will soon find it necessary to increase interest rates, further aggrevating the situation.
I can personally tell you that any communications you may attempt to make to your Senator or Representative will be answered with a boiler-plate reply. They DO NOT READ OR ANSWER constituent comments. We are being completely ignored by Congress.
Inflation is another form of a tax. It’s a zero sum game with money. You are the loser during inflation, the government and the Fed are the winners. That’s why the government is never too concerned about inflationary trends.
This is a blog. That fact means nothing. It is not a peer-reviewed journal, a final archive of my writing, a sponsored publication, or the product of gatekeeping and editing. That does mean something…it means that while the ideas and thoughts are often vital and the product of a long gestational period, the writing itself is not. It is essentially as it came from the keyboard: spontaneous, unproofed, sometimes borrowed, unrevised, and corrected afterward only when necessary to address mistakes that grossly effect the intent. Where such changes have been made they are explicitly noted…
It would be distinctly unwise – not to mention uncharitable – to play connect-the-dots with my physical life and work and my “life of the mind,” as scanty as either might be. My attitude at work, my reaction to ideas, your grade (good or bad), the length and tone of my discussion at the coffee pot, the time it took for me to return your letter or email, and the quality and quantity of my response to you in any medium are probably not tied to anything you read here.
The information in this weblog is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my employer. It is solely my opinion.
Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I’m completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry, but I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) – so keep it polite, please.